Submitted to BEST CHILDREN'S ALBUM & BEST SPOKEN WORD ALBUM categories for nomination in the 58th Grammy Awards.
Hello Play Date lovers!
We are happy to announce that we have submitted two releases FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION of nomination in the 58th Grammy Awards!
We have submitted "We All Shine" to the Best Children's Album category and "Ninja Dream Training: A Guided Bedtime Meditation for Kids" to the Best Spoken Word Album. If you’re a NARAS voter, please take a moment to listen, rock out, dance or drift peacefully to sleep with these labors of love.
Shanti & Greg (Play Date)
"WE ALL SHINE" by Play Date
For your consideration in the BEST CHILDREN'S ALBUM category.
"NINJA DREAM TRAINING: A Guided Bedtime Meditation for Kids" by Play Date
For your consideration in the BEST SPOKEN WORD ALBUM category.